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Sarasota News Leader January 17, 2014 Road intersection with Midnight Pass road can take advantage of the traffic signal to do so. If motorists have to negotiate a roundabout, with heavy traffic feeding into it from both directions, Robinson is asking how a person who wants to head toward the southern part of the island will be able do so "without something there saying, 'Your turn'?" Robin Stublen, communications specialist for FDOT's Public Information Office, told the News Leader on Jan. 10 that he understood the roundabout had been the focus of presentations to the County Commission because FDOT's Tentative Work Program Report for July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2019 includes preliminary engineering and design funding for the project in the amount of $302,807 for the 2014-15 fiscal year. Construction is scheduled in the 2016-17 fiscal year at a cost of Page 18 $852,249, he added, although it could be the latter part of that fiscal year when the work begins. However, Robinson said the only discussion that has been held about the project has been among the members of the Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), which deals with transportation issues for the two counties. Patterson and Sarasota County Commissioner Joe Barbetta also are on the MPO board. "We never talked about it at a commission meeting," Robinson pointed out to the News Leader. WHOSE IDEA IS THIS? On Dec. 16, Robinson emailed James K. Harriott Jr., the county's chief engineer, to ask him to put together "a comprehensive package" on the proposal. "This also will likely The Florida Department of Transportation constructed six new pedestrian crosswalks on Midnight Pass Road in the fall of 2012. File photo

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