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Before we were even halfway through our final production day this week, Production Manager Cleve Posey sent me an email referencing the old Fred Sanford "distress call": "Elizabeth, this is the big one!" I knew we would have a lot of stories this week, but let us just say I had no idea on Monday what the final count would be. Among our offerings are Copy Editor Vicki Chatley's account of the remarks former President George W. Bush made at the Ringling Town Hall session on Tuesday (she was there); one of Fran Palmeri's glorious nature features; Staff Photographer Norman Schimmel's exclusive look at a Baltimore Orioles mini camp in Sarasota; and a delightful commentary by Harriet Cuthbert on preparing for a big trip. On the County Commission beat, Associate Editor Cooper Levey-Baker took the impact fees and Teamsters contract assignments, while County Editor Roger Drouin handled the latest debate over the old Sarasota Police Department site and more talk of extending the Legacy Trail. That left me with Warm Mineral Springs and Bob's Boathouse. Then there is all the city and Siesta news. City Editor Stan Zimmerman pounded out stories about a new drive for a strong elected mayor, a change in plan for police disciplinary procedures and a petition to demolish a historic downtown structure, among other topics. On Siesta, the news of a state roundabout proposal has raised lots of questions, and that is just a taste of the Siesta news. There also has been more discussion of the Lido Renourishment Project. By all means, take your time going through this issue. Editor and Publisher