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Sarasota News Leader January 17, 2014 Page 45 Staff also is researching practices in other jurisdictions, he noted. For example, Alachua County has a maximum period during which a business can operate with a TCO. He added that he and his staff probably should consider a similar measure for Sarasota County. "Work on it," Patterson told him. THE NOISE SIDE OF THE MATTER Regarding her Air and Sound Pollution Ordinance motion, Patterson credited the suggestion to Jim McWhorter, president of the River Forest Civic Association. McWhorter noted in an email to Patterson that the River Forest subdivision begins 1,100 feet north of Bob's Boathouse. "You'd have to be able to walk on water in order to take an accurate reflection of the noise at the emitting site [Bob's Boathouse], which is what our ordinance requires," she told her colleagues. Tom Polk addresses the County Commission. File photo Phillippi Creek is adjacent to the restaurant, from the caller's residence is generally unable with homes across the body of water. to determine the source, because a number of When calls come in about music being too restaurants and bars are in close proximity to loud at Bob's Boathouse, she continued, mea- each other. surements are taken at Tamaimi Trail, "which is a long way away" from the establishment. "Obviously, what we have in this particular situation isn't working," Chairman Charles After McWhorter researched the county's Air Hines said. Patterson's proposal is "worth and Sound Pollution Ordinance, she said, he exploring," he added. told her that if commercial operations such as Bob's Boathouse could be treated like indus- Then her motion passed unanimously. trial firms, that might resolve the concerns of In response to questions from Polk, Patterson neighbors. clarified that the proposed changes should The ordinance was written as it is, she come back to the board for a review and explained, because in a situation like those authorization to advertise. When he asked if on Siesta Key, when complaints come in, a the board preferred only one public hearing Code Enforcement officer measuring sound on the matter, she replied, "Yes." %

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