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Sarasota News Leader January 17, 2014 OPINION Page 90 TRAVEL FRENZY PRECEDES A LONG-AWAITED ADVENTURE By Harriet Cuthbert Contributing Writer COMMENTARY My next big trip is not for at least six more weeks; yet, I feel as though I should be packing now and leaving for the airport tomorrow. This is why I now have three separate lists to obsess over, with three different headings to "comfort" me. Dividing items up by subject seems to help a little. (As I threw the insect repellent and Imodium on the floor of my closet in a "travel" pile, I started feeling much I can think of a few reasons why I am already better.) No inoculations are required for our in panic mode: destinations, but the travel company's mate• I booked this vacation about six months rial "suggests" a yellow fever vaccination ago — too long ago for me to prepare for it before I go boating down the Amazon and hiking through the rain forest. at the time. • My itinerary is very exotic and adventur- Even though Ecuador is a very small country, ous. I am going to Ecuador and the Amazon its climate varies widely in indirect proporfor nine days, in March, and I am nervous. tion to its size. What you experience depends on where you are at a given time. We will be Yes, I am going with a tour group (through starting in Quito, the capital, and wending our Gate 1 Travel), and even though this company way eastward until we reach the Amazon. I is very well established and has an excellent absolutely refuse to check more than one reputation, I am still wondering what could bag when I fly, but now I have to pack for go wrong and ruin my vacation — maybe I three different temperature zones. Is it time will forget to take something very important. to throw the rain poncho on the closet floor, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Sarasota News Leader welcomes letters to the editor from its readers. Letters should be no more than 300 words in length, and include the name, street address and telephone number of the writer. Letters should be emailed to, with "Letter to the Editor" in the subject line. Letters actually printed will be selected based on space available, subject matter and other factors. We reserve the right to edit any letters submitted for length, grammar, spelling, etc. All letters submitted become the property of The Sarasota News Leader.

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