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Sarasota News Leader January 24, 2014 Page 41 company is already filling out the required could run between $400,000 and $500,000. paperwork. "And for safety and maintenance, we'll need a change order with the contractor," he added. Garland opened his remarks to the commisCity Utility Director Mitt Tidwell said, "I anticsion by "offering thanks to the residents for ipate that will be about $1 million." their patience." There will be a need for more residential patience, as some streets will be The $9 million already spent includes $1.1 torn up to install new water, sewer, storm- million for McKim & Creed's Phase 1 work, water and reclaimed water lines. Citizens as well as $790,000 to mothball the already-inon Pomelo Avenue and Alta Vista Street will stalled pumps and other heavy equipment. receive access to reclaimed water, if they want to pay a connection charge. The non-po- Tidwell noted, "We're estimating, without the table water is often used for irrigation at a design [work] or negotiations with the contractor, another $9 million, raising the total fraction of the cost of drinkable water. price to $21 million." All streets damaged during the work will be Westra Construction was the contractor for completely resurfaced. the project, and it is asking for $2 million for COUNTING THE DOLLARS breach of contract with the city, which halted The original Lift Station 87 contract was for the original work when the former engineer$12.4 million. Of that, about $10 million has ing and design firm, AECOM, walked off the been spent, leaving $2.4 million in the budget. job. "These would be damages to recover However, the work to complete the project is from AECOM," said Deputy City Attorney estimated to run roughly $9 million, meaning Mike Connolly. The city sued AECOM after it the city will need to find an additional $7.5 stopped work. So far, the city has spent more than $400,000 in legal expenses in the case. million. If McKim & Creed gets the green light for Phase Two, the company will be able to provide more refined cost estimates. Garland said he expects the cost to lower the lift station The City Commission accepted the legal news with resignation. Said Commissioner Susan Chapman, "I just want [the lift station] finished in my lifetime." % Neal Schafers My interest in photography reminded me about how my smile made me unhappy. A childhood accident caused my permanent teeth to come in askew. I had seen how Dr. Koval restored the smile of a friend's father. With Dr. Koval, we discovered I also had cracked fillings and a shifted jaw – all which she corrected. I am 100% satisfied with Dr. Koval's meticulous work and sincere care to make my smile look natural and picture-perfect. For a complimentary consultation call 941.923.5406 To view our extensive smile gallery, visit ENHANCE YOUR SMILE. ENHANCE YOUR LIFE. Christine Koval, D.M.D. Awarded 20 Gold Medals for Smile Makeovers by the Florida Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.