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After a months-long investigation prompted by reports of rental fraud that The Sarasota News Leader turned over to the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office, a Sarasota chiroprac- tor was arrested on April 28 on 19 counts of Scheme to Defraud, with victims across the country saying they are owed more than $53,000, the Sheriff's Office reported. The charges against Craig Siegel, 44, of 5174 Sandy Cove Ave. on Siesta Key came after his arrest earlier the same day for throwing a bucket of urine on a county Code Enforcement Officer, the Sheriff's Office said in a news release. T h e r e n t a l f r a u d incidents allegedly o c c u r r e d b e t w e e n Jan. 14, 2013 and April 28 of this year, accord- ing to the Sheriff 's Office report. In late January, the News Leader con- tacted the Sheriff 's On July 16, 2013, several vehicles with out-of-state license plates were parked in the driveway of the house at 6537 Sabal Drive. File photo A SARASOTA CHIROPRACTOR IS ARRESTED ON CHARGES RELATED TO HIS MISREPRESENTATION OF ACCOMMODATIONS IN A SIESTA KEY HOUSE 19 COUNTS OF RENTAL FRAUD Unfortunately we cannot give all the guest (sic) their money back since we have had to litigate this situation. Again, were (sic) sorry, but we cannot draw blood from a stone. Craig Siegel In a March 12 Email To A Renter Of the 6537 Sabal Drive House By Rachel Brown Hackney Editor