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then "returned" to the city when the two gov- ernments severed their interlocal agreement on parks maintenance. After city staff worked with the Lido Key Residents Association on future plans, a strategic vision was established and later approved by the City Commission. It calls for seeking a vendor to take over the opera- tion of the pool and concession areas and the construction of a $2.9 million upgrade in five phases over time. "The city's objective is to identify an individ- ual/firm who can propose and implement a business plan that is advantageous to the city," the plan says. The city commissioners will be asked if they approve releasing an "invitation to negotiate" for a deal. Work on the city's plan to swap the county's road impact fee for a city "multimodal trans- portation impact fee" will continue with a public hearing Monday evening. The mone- tary amount of the impact fee will remain in the same general range, but it can be used for purposes other than expanding road capacity according to the revised ordinance. Also on Monday, city staffers will propose cut- ting the hours of operation at the Payne Park circus-themed playground. This follows in the wake of the city paying thousands of dollars A development group has proposed a project called Rosemary Square on the former community garden site. Image courtesy City of Sarasota Sarasota News Leader May 16, 2014 Page 67

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