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Commissioner Nora Patterson voiced approval that the design would lead to the loss of only 52 public parking spaces amid multiple government facilities, fewer than indicated in the earlier discussion. "I started out opposed to this," Patterson said, adding of the new proposal, "It is almost miraculous the way it is designed. It is really clever." Patterson did tell staff, though, that she would like information showing the impact of the relocation on SCAT's operating bud- get. Nonetheless, she called the design "ingenious." If constructed, the new transfer station would occupy a portion of county property across the street from the offices of the Florida Department of Health in Sarasota County. The land is home to both surface parking and a county parking garage. It borders city prop- erty, so the exact siting of the station still has to be worked out between the county and city, Gable pointed out. Preliminary plans show space for 10 SCAT buses at a single time at a new downtown transfer station. Image courtesy Sarasota County Sarasota News Leader May 23, 2014 Page 22