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CONTENTS Vol. 2, No. 36 — May 23, 2014 SIGNING OFF ON THE VUE 'UGLY FEELING' FROM BEE RIDGE PROJECT NEWS SIGNING OFF ON THE VUE 9 Administrative approval from city staff means the developer of the hotel/condominium project can proceed to seek a building permit — Stan Zimmerman 'UGLY FEELING' FROM BEE RIDGE PROJECT 12 County commissioners blast developers for Bee Ridge Road proposal — Cooper Levey-Baker A TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX SHIFT 16 County commissioners take steps to shift funding from promotion to capital projects — Roger Drouin SECOND GEAR 21 In a unanimous vote, the County Commission approves continued study of relocating the downtown Sarasota County Area Transit transfer station from Lemon Avenue to Ringling Boulevard — Roger Drouin 'AIN'T NO STOPPIN' US NOW' 27 Sarasota County chugs along with more changes to 2050 — Cooper Levey-Baker WIDENING BEE RIDGE ROAD 32 The County Commission awards a construction contract for improvements from Mauna Loa Boulevard to Iona Road, with the work set to be finished in 2016 — Rachel Brown Hackney $9.8 MILLION TOWARD NEW INFRASTRUCTURE 35 With new burdens on the tax collector, the County Commission approves roadmap for renovation, construction — Cooper Levey-Baker CATALYST OR CUDGEL? 39 Rosemary Square team goes to the mat and wins — Stan Zimmerman TABLE OF CONTENTS Click Any Headline To Go Directly To That Article COVER PHOTO CREDIT Front Cover: Cocktail Hour Looms - Norman Schimmel

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