Sarasota News Leader


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The Sarasota City commissioners will return from the Fourth of July weekend to face a full, even daunting agenda. A quarter-mil- lion-dollar change order, private security for city buildings, policies for bayfront use and the question of how much do you need to pay to rename a park are among the topics. There are dueling memos over homelessness and a proposed cut to the membership of an advisory board. These are just a few of the questions coming up Monday afternoon and evening, July 7. CONSENT ON THE CONSENT AGENDA? The most obvious item of public angst will show up early in the afternoon meeting, the third item on the consent agenda. If no com- missioner wants to talk about it, the board will simply approve it and move on. If one or more wants to discuss it, that could open the floodgates for public comment. The hot item is the creation of another down- town nightclub, albeit one the owners say will not be a nightclub. The owners of Duval's New World Cafe on Main Street simply want to pour some whiskey, along with wine and beer, for their customers. But serving the hard stuff — under current zoning rules — demands a "major conditional use" for the operation of the business as a nightclub. The restaurant's owners says they will not change the hours of operation, they will offer The Sarasota City Commission is facing a full agenda on July 7. Photo by Norman Schimmel CALL IT A 'FOUR ACES AGENDA' A REQUEST FOR A 'NIGHTCLUB' CONDITIONAL USE, A PROPOSED BAYFRONT POLICY, CHANGES ON AN ADVISORY BOARD AND HOMELESSNESS ISSUES ARE ON THE CITY COMMISSION'S JULY 7 AGENDA By Stan Zimmerman City Editor

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