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South Tamiami Trail restaurant to investigate the situation, he testified. Based on his statements, Wittmer told Holderby, "You assume they are in compliance and all of a sudden they are not. That's where the drop-off just occurred. You just won Mr. Aker's case by your testimony," she contin- ued, referring to James E. Aker, the Sarasota attorney representing Bob's Boathouse. THE TIMELINE During his testimony, Holder explained that he observed the initial violation of the county's outdoor dining ordinance when he inspected Bob's Boathouse, located at 5515 S. Tamiami Trail, on Nov. 13, 2013. When he arrived at 10:05 p.m., Holderby said, he was seated on the outside deck, where a waitress told him he could order anything he liked. At the time, he continued, he saw customers being served at the outdoor bar. On Nov. 20, 2013, he continued, he issued the Notice of Violation, which gave the busi- ness until Dec. 1 to comply with the county ordinance. Holderby then testified that he revisited the restaurant on Dec. 16, 2013, April 23, 2014, and July 22, 2014, when he again found violations. Bob's Boathouse manager Mariah Bogert and the business's attorney, James E. Aker, await the start of the July 25 proceeding. Sarasota News Leader August 1, 2014 Page 66

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