Sometimes I think things have to grow organ-
ically. I think when you look at the [Suncoast
Aquatic Nature Center Associates] SANCA
contract, I sort of laugh. Someone asked, "What
do you think about the SANCA contract?" I
said, "You know any time any commissioner
sits down at the City Commission, you get to
hear about what a "sweetheart deal" Marina
Jack got. … When you look at the sweet deal
SANCA got, in comparison, it doesn't even
hold water.
And I have concerns about traffic up there.
I was at the [Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO) meeting this
week]. It is $72 million dollars, depending on
how good the estimates are now, to do that
diverging diamond [interchange]. There is
money to do the planning, but if the Legislature
says, "No" next year, it is not going to hap-
pen before that rowing tournament [in 2017,
when Benderson Park will host the World
Championships]. You may be years with basi-
cally gridlock at that intersection.
SNL: Do you think the county should
have contributed the amount of funding it
did to Benderson Park ($19.5 million for
SS: No. Once again, it goes to the eight-year
term limit. People are rushing to get some-
thing done to say, "Look what I did." I think
term limits are a good thing, don't get me
wrong. But it is inherent of politicians to try to
Shannon Snyder and Willie Shaw pose on May 16 after Shaw has been elected mayor. Photo by Norman
Sarasota News Leader August 1, 2014 Page 23