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CHECK OUT THE PLUG-INS The super-quick Tesla roadster is all carbon fiber, and now the company's producing a sedan. ST. ARMANDS SHOW ON SUNDAY TO FEATURE BOTH ALL-ELECTRIC AND HYBRID VEHICLES. By Stan Zimmerman City Editor With gasoline flirting at $4 per gallon, ad- mit it: You've been thinking about your mileage. Your gas mileage. If you'd like to forget about it forever, go to St. Armands Circle on Sunday, Sept. 23, and look over the alterna- tives. Not all autos need gas- oline. Nissan's Leaf is an all-electric vehicle, while Chevy's Volt is a plug-in hybrid with a gasoline generator aboard. And the car- bon-fiber Tesla will propel you to 60 mph in two heartbeats of silent acceleration. From 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., a variety of elec- tric-only and hybrid plug-in vehicles will be on display at St. Ar- mands. If you go to the big parking lot, you can take a ride or maybe even a drive. It's an altogether different scene, looking under the hood of an electric vehicle. It's National Plug-In Day, and they don't