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Sarasota News Leader October 5, 2012 She encouraged business owners to plan to keep their stores open that evening and to have shops and restaurants decorated not just for that night but also for the entire holiday season. Hyland also pointed out that more musical groups are being sought. "We'd love music in the parade, too," Matthes said. If the bars and restaurants that regularly fea- ture musical acts could ask those the perform- ers to start playing sooner that evening — and blend in some carols, she said — "that would help liven up all different parts of the Village." The Pine View Jazz Band will be performing at Village Café, she said, and a choir will be sing- ing in Davidson Plaza on Ocean Boulevard. Jacobson pointed out that Light Up the Vil- lage used to draw about 200 people. "Now it's turned into thousands of kids," he said. "The place is packed." "And we have a very special Santa Claus this year," Matthes said. Following up on that statement, the only ad- monishment about the event came from SKVA Treasurer Roz Hyman, who represents Siesta Center on the organization's board of direc- tors: "There can only be one Santa Claus in the Village that night." After the ensuing laughter subsided, Hyman added that business owners should not ask any musicians to perform in Santa costumes, for example. "It gets very confusing," said Rahmi Nehme, co-owner of Village Café. Page 50 "You can have all the elves you want," said Kay Kouvatsos, co-owner of Village Café. When Syd Krawczyk of Concept Digital Me- dia asked, "What about Elvis?" more laughter ensued. Finally, Matthes asked Kevin Cooper, execu- tive director of the Siesta Chamber, to discuss Sandfest. The event, which raises a significant portion of the funds needed each year to pay for the July Fourth fireworks show, takes place at the Siesta Public Beach pavilion, Cooper pointed out. Sandfest is a unique opportunity "to get out and actually have an event at the public pavil- ion," Cooper added. The theme this year is "Fantasy Island." Tickets, which are $25 each, include a full, catered meal and entertainment by a DJ. The event also features a cash bar and a silent auc- tion. "Every year this is one of the funnest things we get to do out here," Cooper said. Posters for Sandfest would be distributed soon in the Village, he added. For more infor- mation, visit the chamber website. Matthes acknowledged that all these events require a lot of volunteer work. Nevertheless, he said, "This is what makes the community work."