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NEWS BRIEFS The Sarasota Supervisor of Elections urges all voters to make sure their address information is cor- rect before Election Day. Americanspirit| VOTERS URGED TO UPDATE ADDRESS INFORMATION Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections Kathy Dent is urging voters to be sure their correct addresses are on file with the elec- tions office before head- ing to the polls on Election Day, Nov. 6. Voters who have moved to Saraso- ta County from an- other Florida coun- ty may update their addresses by calling any one of Dent's offic- es: Sarasota (861-8619), Venice (861-3760) or North Port (423-9540). These voters also may submit address chang- es online at www.SarasotaVotes. com or by emailing tsmith@ "To ensure a smooth Election Day experi- ence and avoid the need to vote a pro- visional ballot," Dent said, "all voters should take the op- portunity to update their address informa- tion with my office prior to going to the polls."

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