Sarasota News Leader
November 16, 2012
signature sculptures. Volunteers work in four- hour sessions, the news release points out.
SMOA also is seeking volunteers to serve as docents during the program. Those volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. For more information and details on volunteer require- ments, send an email to
SMOA will offer docent training to inform vol- unteers about the artist, his work and his mis- sion in Sarasota, the release says. "The educa- tional aspect to this project is very vital," she adds in the release. "We want to offer every- one who comes to the site the opportunity to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of Patrick's work. We're looking for energetic
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people who are passionate about art and who enjoy engaging and inspiring others."
Surkis points out in the news release that Dougherty's designs involve weaving and bind- ing sapling branches together to form flow- ing patterns and maze-like structures through which visitors can walk. "Patrick's wonder- fully imaginative installations are temporal works made from trees, twigs, vines and oth- er natural materials from the area," she adds.
Surkis says the public will have many opportu- nities to view the artist at work as his creation evolves during the three weeks he is on-site.
For more information about the Sarasota Mu- seum of Art, visit www.sarasotamuseumofart. org or call Surkis at 309-7662.
River Vessels by Patrick Dougherty at the Waco Cultural Arts Center, Waco, TX. Photo by Mark Randolph