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Sarasota News Leader OPEN HOUSE COMMENTS Among the 60 people who had signed in at the open house by 6 p.m. Nov. 13, Siesta resident Rodger Skidmore told the News Leader he would prefer more parking spaces to "planting [trees] to die" in the main lot, as "[that] does not make sense." As for proposed changes to the historic pa- vilion, he pointed out that it seemed to have weathered flooding just fine, and he was op- posed to plans for a large new concession in conjunction with the redesigned structure. He was at the beach for an hour earlier that day with his own survey, he said. Among his findings: Even though the restrooms have been cited often as among the features most needing enhancements, Skidmore said 80 per- cent of the people with whom he talked had noted the facilities were pretty clean. One common comment, though, was that tiled floors would be preferable, he added. Someone you know needs Planned Parenthood • Lifesaving cancer screenings • Parent & teen education • Annual GYN exams • Birth control Planned Parenthood Of Southwest And Central Florida • Sarasota 941-953-4060 • Take Your TimeYou Have All Week Enjoy The News Leader Anytime - Day or Night November 16, 2012 Page 21 While he was walking from one end of the park to another, Skidmore said, he did have an interesting encounter with a woman tour- ist. People were coming to meet her out there, he said, and she wanted to know how to find the numbers for the individual paths to the beach itself. Skidmore said he discovered that of the 16 paths, only five or six were numbered, and one of those had two different numbers on it. The county could do "lots of things … very reasonably," he said that would be helpful to the public. Between her discussions with residents, Pat- terson told the News Leader, "I think the beach and the area deserve some beautifica- tion." While she and Barbetta did not agree on all the details, she said, "My goal is the same as his, I think": Until the project is put out for bids, no one is going to know what the final price will be. %