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Sarasota News Leader November 23, 2012 SHABBAT ALIVE! RETURNS TO TEMPLE EMANU-EL NOV. 30 The all-musical Shabbat Alive! service will re- turn to Temple Emanu-El, located at 151 McIn- tosh Road, on Friday, Nov. 30, at 7:30 p.m. Members of the community are warmly invit- ed "to this unique and exhilarating worship experience," a temple news release says. Featuring traditional Shabbat prayers set to upbeat, contemporary and stirring musical ar- rangements, Shabbat Alive! is held quarterly at Temple Emanu-El. The service is conduct- ed by Rabbi Brenner J. Glickman and Music Director Cynthia Roberts-Greene with a full range of professional and volunteer musicians and vocalists. Among the composers to be featured at Shab- bat Alive! are Debbie Friedman, Cantor Lisa Levine, Rick Recht, Bonia Shur and Craig Taubman. The Shabbat Alive! service will be preced- ed by a 6 p.m. Shabbat dinner. For dinner reservations and payment information, call 388-7899. The Shabbat Alive! service is free, with no res- ervations required. For more information, call 371-2788. % Page 83 Liana Bryant embraces her hero tot, Woody. Contributed photo