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Sarasota News Leader November 23, 2012 cal correctness which are enabling the rise of radical Islam." According to the Times, ACT! claims its mem- bership is as large as 155,000, with 500 chap- ters around the country. And yes, there is a chapter in Sarasota. The Southern Pover- ty Law Center, a non- profit whose mission is to fight "hate and bigotry," places Gabri- el in its "Anti-Muslim Inner Circle," writing that she "views Islam in absolute terms as a monolithic threat to the United States, Isra- el and the West" and "is prone to sweeping generalizations and exaggerations as she de- scribes a grand, sophisticated Muslim conspir- acy bent on world domination." Kim Mullins, the Fed- eration's director of communications and programming, tells The Sarasota News Lead- er that Gabriel spoke in the area in 2008, and was "really well re- ceived," while acknowl- edging that "she has a strong message." The founder and co-chairwoman of the Women's Interfaith Network, a local group created to bring togeth- er women from diverse Page 21 faith backgrounds, calls that "strong message" in fact, "hate speech." [Brigitte Gabriel] is part of a group that is making lots and lots of money promoting hate speech against Muslims. Founder and Co-Chairwoman Women's Interfaith Network Arlene Pearlman "She is part of a group that is making lots and lots of money promoting hate speech against Muslims," Arlene Pearlman says, "and I have a real problem with bringing in somebody like her. I'd have the same problem with anybody in Sarasota who preached hate." Pearlman, who is Jew- ish, received a mailer promoting Gabriel's appearance, and says she contacted the Federation to voice her dis- pleasure. "These are not people who should have a platform," she says. Gabriel is not the only controversial speak- er the Federation has invited to Sarasota. Among past visitors have been John Hagee, the televangelist infa- mous for saying Hur- ricane Katrina struck New Orleans because of a planned "homo- sexual rally," aka "sin- ful conduct." Pearlman says the Federation received "a lot of flack on that one," including from her. Brigitte Gabriel/Contributed "Hate speech is hate speech," Pearlman says. "You don't do it." %