Sarasota News Leader


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A FACEOFF OF BOARDS Among other topics, the city and county commissioners on Oct. 22 will share their thoughts about a trip to observe best practices in the city of Nashville, TN. Photo by kaldari via Wikimedia Commons THE SARASOTA CITY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONS WILL MEET ON OCT. 22 TO TALK ABOUT THE LIDO BEACH RENOURISHMENT AND THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY By Stan Zimmerman City Editor Sports and politics have a lot in common. Sometimes there is a script, akin to a downpat stump speech or a well-practiced pass play in football. But sometimes the action can get heated and chaotic, and it always takes place live, in real time. And City Commissioner Paul Caragiulo is running for a County Commission seat. One of the more interesting "matches" is coming up Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 22, when a local "rivalry" resumes between the City and County commissions of Sarasota. Two members of the latter board — County Commissioners Carolyn Mason and Nora Patterson — are former city commissioners. BEACH RENOURISHMENT How they iron out their differences will be a good test of their basic political skills — because despite their differences, they need each other badly. The city has a well-advanced plan to use "county" sand to repair the erosion and storm damage on city-owned Lido Beach. And this is not a one-time deal. The city has worked on a plan with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

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