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Sarasota News Leader February 22, 2013 OPINION I know they will foster an array of events that will speak powerfully to our values.��� Just to be clear, LGBTQ means those persons who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning their sexuality. Page 93 students to master the entire alphabet; that is, from Aphrodisiomania (abnormal sexual desire) to Zoonosis (disease stemming from Zoophilia, i.e. bestiality), I will not consider making further donations to the college.��� Although sexual orientation is not a protected Members of the Sarasota Vassar Club were characteristic under current civil rights laws, invited to comment on the Westboro protest. the Leadership Conference on Civil and HuA sampling of opinions follows: man Rights reminds us that progress toward ��� Sallie van Arsdale: ���As reported, the West- the protection of gays and lesbians from disboro Baptist Church���s protest against Vas- crimination in employment and housing has sar���s support for equal citizenship rights for nevertheless been made. It also reminds us lesbians and gays appears to be far outside that progress has been slow. mainstream attitudes in the 21st century. The church is, of course, entitled to its be- Only 17 states and the District of Columbia liefs no matter how ridiculous its statement have passed legislation prohibiting discrimiand offensive those beliefs are to others.��� nation in the private sector workplace on the basis of sexual orientation. Federal law only ��� Virginia Lange: ���I do feel strongly that in prevents the federal government itself from order to show our ���Political Correctness,��� at engaging in such discrimination. If the EmVassar, and indeed North America, we lose ployment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), sight of what I believe are still the silent which was first introduced in Congress in majority. It is reverse discrimination in its 1994, ever does become federal law, then any own way. Just as I said in my email to the civilian, non-religious employer with at least college and the local group, ���What about H 15 employees would be required to end all anfor heterosexual? Or don���t we count any- ti-gay discrimination in its hiring and employmore?��� I believe that sexual orientation is ment practices. mostly NOT a choice, but a gene, and therefore, those who have it, in whatever degree, Vassar seems determined to respond to Westshould not be discriminated for it. But nei- boro���s provocation. How it plans to respond is ther should we who do not have that gene not clear. Whatever the college���s response, its be ignored/discriminated against. Westboro very act will likely serve only to amplify WestBaptists have a right to believe what they boro���s message. Publicity is what it wants. like, but also have no right to force their On the other hand, ignoring the pickets relbeliefs on others.��� egates the protest to a non-event, which in ��� Tatiana Staats: ���I am appalled at the sharp fact it is. Aquila non captat muscas (an eagle decline in academic standards at Vassar doesn���t snap at flies). In other words, do not College. The English alphabet has 26 letters, sweat the small stuff. And there is nothing yet students have only mastered 5, and not smaller than the amoebic life forms occupying in their proper order. Until Vassar requires Westboro���s pews. %

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