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Sarasota News Leader July 26, 2013 Page 24 with an empty box of Skittles and the image profiling "inform[s] how the African-Ameriof a bottle of iced tea affixed to it. can community interprets what happened one night in Florida." The candy and drink, as well as the hoodie, have become iconic symbols of Martin's death. "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years The 17-year-old was unarmed when Zimmer- ago," Obama said. "And when you think about man killed him on Feb. 26, 2012, in Sanford, why, in the African-American community at FL. Zimmerman, not originally charged in least, there's a lot of pain around what hapthe case, was eventually put on trial for sec- pened here, I think it's important to recognize ond-degree murder. He was acquitted two that the African-American community is lookweeks ago. ing at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away." Public outrage about the case has been fierce, exposing deep-seated fears of racial profil- "There are very few African-American men in ing, as well as anger about what critics say this country who haven't had the experience are overly loose self-defense laws. President of being followed when they were shopping in Barack Obama addressed the controversy the a department store. That includes me," Obama day before Saturday's rallies, which took place said. "The African-American community is all around the country, as well as in Saraso- also knowledgeable that there is a history ta. He discussed how experience with racial of racial disparities in the application of our Justice. That's it. Immanuel Dent The modern courthouse in downtown Sarasota is part of the county's Justice Center. Photo by Norman Schimmel