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Sarasota News Leader August 30, 2013 Page 75 OPINION The reopening of Midnight Pass will not resolve all of the problems in the Sarasota Bay estuary, but it will have a greater impact than any other single action. Opening the channel is not a necessity for recreational access to the gulf, although that is an additional benefit. Instead, the action is essential as a relief valve for the worsening conditions in Little Sarasota Bay … conditions that were created when the selfish concerns of a few well-connected landowners trumped common sense and concern for the environmental health of the entire watershed. The county should commit itself to taking whatever action is needed to win approval for the reopening of Midnight Pass. % LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Sarasota News Leader welcomes letters to the editor from its readers. Letters should be no more than 300 words in length, and include the name, street address and telephone number of the writer. Letters should be emailed to, with "Letter to the Editor" in the subject line. Letters actually printed will be selected based on space available, subject matter and other factors. We reserve the right to edit any letters submitted for length, grammar, spelling, etc. All letters submitted become the property of The Sarasota News Leader. FREE SUBSCRIPTION Don't have your own subscription to The Sarasota News Leader? Subscribe for FREE and receive a weekly notification when the latest issue is available online. QUICK TIP For the best viewing experience on a computer click the menubar to zoom to fullscreen mode. icon in the