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Sarasota News Leader August 30, 2013 Page 22 Responding to Patterson, he noted that "with did a parking lot and put in spindly little so much sand moving around there," dimples trees," especially given the need for cooling, between the pavers most likely would fill with as asphalt gets so hot in the sun. fine Siesta quartz, creating a smoother ride. A motion by Robinson passed unanimously: A revised Item 4 calls for $190,000 for the tree THE RANKINGS upgrade for the park. A new Item 8 would be When it came down to ranking the alternates, an upgrade for the parking lot, at a cost of Patterson announced, "I see no reason in the $140,000. world why we have almost half a million in … [for] repaving a road that doesn't need to be Then Patterson asked about the 10 additional paved." That money could be used for other two-pole shelters. "Is this an inordinate number [for the park]?" items on the list, she added. Barbetta made a motion to eliminate the The extra number would bring the total to 23, Beach Road Improvements from the list. It Gaubitz explained. "From an aesthetic standpoint," he continued, "I think it'll look realpassed unanimously. ly nice … especially when [the shelters are] Further discussion ensued about the Tree Size occupied with people enjoying themselves and Species Upgrade, at an estimated cost of during the day." $330,000. The shelters would have picnic tables, he Vice Chairman Charles Hines asked whether noted. the plan called for removing mature Australian pines in the eastern section of the site, Robinson told her colleagues that when she where they provide shade for picnic tables goes to the North Jetty Beach, she frequently and the children's playground. "No," Gaubitz has difficulty finding a two-pole shelter her family can use. "They're worse than parking told him. spots, actually," she said of the demand for "To lose those, that's a huge character part of the structures. the park," Hines pointed out. The North Jetty Beach has five of the shelters, Asked for more details about that item, GaubGaubitz pointed out. itz said the plan is for 64 green buttonwoods and 338 cabbage palms to be planted in the "That [park] probably has many, many fewer park and parking lot. With the upgrade, 5-inch visitors [than Siesta]," Patterson conceded. buttonwoods would be used instead of 2-inch Finally, the commissioners unanimously aptrees. proved a motion providing the reordered "I'm for the larger ones," Patterson said. rankings to staff, as revised during their dis"There's nothing uglier than somebody who cussions and earlier votes. %