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JARGON AND REALITIES New city zoning regulations include an overlay district for Laurel Park. Photo by Norman Schimmel ANALYSIS: SARASOTA'S URBAN DESIGN STUDIO TEAM IS ENCOURAGING DIALOGUE WITH THE PUBLIC AS IT WORKS TO RESHAPE THE CITY'S ZONING CODE By Stan Zimmerman City Editor On Saturday, Sept. 6, a pair of planners brought the newest thinking in urban rule making to the Sarasota City Neighborhood Association (CCNA) meeting and pitched it way over audience members' heads. "We want to use an incremental and phased approach," said Murphy. "Community comfort is a critical component." But when she added, "We don't care about the style of building, we care about the form," and struggled to explain some of the planning jargon, audience memKarin Murphy and Andrew Georgiadis have bers grew restive. been hired by the city to establish an "Urban "It is unfortunate we had representatives at Design Studio" in the Federal Building at Or- the meeting who had no experience in land ange Avenue and Ringling Boulevard. Inside, use or zoning regulations," said CCNA regular they will begin to fabricate new zoning regu- attendee Kafi Benz. "I think Karin was talking lations for the city based on something called to the choir, to people who already had some "form-based codes." basis of understanding."

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