Sarasota News Leader
October 18, 2013
Page 106
Siesta Seen
Terracotta Army, a collection of sculptures
representing the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the
first emperor of China, in the 3rd century. In
Keer's version, each of the images bore a distinct resemblance to Legoman.
The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce is
reminding the public that its 23rd Annual
SandFest is set for Friday, Nov. 1, from 6 to 10
p.m. at the Siesta Beach Pavilion at the public
Last I heard, Legoman was somewhere in beach.
California. A few months after he "arrived" With the theme "Gilligan's Island," the event
on the beach, the Sheriff's Office released will feature music, dancing, a cash bar, a silent
him into the "custody" of Denise Kowal, the auction and raffles. Tickets for members are
founder and organizer of the Chalk Festival. $25; for guests, $30. Tables for 10 may be
His final appearreserved at a cost
ance on Siesta Key,
of $250.
to my knowledge,
SandFest is a
was outside the
major fundraiser
Community Center
at St. Boniface
for the Chamber's
Episcopal Church
annual July Fourth
in March 2012,
fireworks spectacwhen Dr. Stephen
ular, but it also is
Leatherman — Dr.
traditionally a lot
Beach — was the
of fun. Click here
guest speaker for
for a ticket order
the annual meetform, then return it
ing of the Siesta
to the Chamber by
Key Association.
mail at 5114 Ocean
According to the
Blvd. Sarasota, FL
Sheriff's Office last
34242; by email to
week, the Travel
chastanna@siesChannel has not
released a schedule for its segment SandFest is set for Nov. 1. Image courtesy Siesta Key com; or by phone
Chamber of Commerce
at 349-3800. %
with Strom.