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PREP WORK CONTINUES The work site for new Lift Station 87 was mostly bare on Oct. 4. Photo by Norman Schimmel BORINGS ARE BEING TAKEN IN THE EFFORT TO MAKE SURE THE REVIVED LIFT STATION 87 PROJECT SUCCEEDS By Stan Zimmerman City Editor Exploratory drilling is under way in the Avondale neighborhood of Sarasota to find out what is underground that stopped a previous attempt to build a "micro-tunnel" under Hudson Bayou. sewage towards the treatment plant on 12th Street. The new contractor, McKim & Creed, is taking a two-fold approach to discovering what went wrong the first time. It is conducting The city has spent $8 million so far on its Lift geological tests and working up a series of Station 87 project. The previous contractor technical memos with city staff to form the basis of the revived figuratively threw up project. The aim is to his hands and walked We've saturated the city with tunnel underground off the job. The heart instead of digging up of the plan is the cre- requests for information. huge swaths of terriation of this structure Robert Garland Project Manager tory to put in gigantic to move about oneMcKim & Creed pipes. third of the city's total