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Sarasota News Leader October 18, 2013 Page 68 "We've saturated the city with requests for the use of ground-penetrating radar is styinformation," said Robert Garland, project mied by the saltwater in the bayou. "We might manager for the contractor. look at seismic refraction," she said. That is a sonar-like system that injects sound waves Work began Oct. 7 and continued this week. into the ground and then evaluates the echo. A subcontractor — Staheli Trenchless Consultants — is supervising the borings nec- Borings are planned at the corner of Mound essary to study the underground geology. Street (U.S. 41) and Osprey Avenue as well as Staheli Engineering Geologist Laura Wetter in Luke Wood Park. "And last, we are looksaid going back to 2009, 36 borings had been ing at two borings closer to Lift Station 897 taken in the area. "Of all [of them], it was in case we need to deepen the gravity sewer," only the last set that was done that's appro- Wetter pointed out. priate," she added. "[The] others don't have Before they drill, the workers are using a hand all the information we'd look for to design a auger to penetrate down 4 feet, just in case micro-tunnel project." there are utility pipes or lines that are not on The new borings will continue into next week. the drawings at City Hall. The land under the None is planned in the bayou itself. She noted city of Sarasota is riddled with water and gas Some pipes are stacked at the lift station site off Mound Street, across from Sarasota Ford. Photo by Norman Schimmel