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Siesta Seen COUNTY STAFF IS EVALUATING EXPENSES OF ALTERNATIVES FOR DEWATERING THE STORMWATER SITE; AVENIDA DE MAYO'S PARKING SITUATION WILL BE BACK BEFORE THE COUNTY COMMISSION THIS MONTH By Rachel Brown Hackney Editor Pumping still has not begun in the effort to the site so construction of the new 1-acre dewater the site of the stormwater project stormwater pond can begin, he pointed out. next to Siesta Public Beach, Project Manager Regular readers will recall that the projAlex Boudreau told me on Monday, Oct. 14. ect has been stalled for more than a month The main reason? Financial, he said. Staff is because of heavy rainfall on Siesta, espehaving a hard time trying to figure the most cially in September. A series of smaller ponds cost-effective means of getting the water off was built on the site to allow the contractor, Cloudy skies remained the rule over the Siesta stormwater site on Oct. 3. Photo by Rachel Hackney