Recently, Fox News
anchor Megyn Kelly
convened one of her typical inquisition-style
panels to "debate" a topic, in this case a recent
article by Aisha Harris on her Slate.com blog.
be a black-and-white penguin — her plaintive
concerns about her childhood angst were just
too much for Megyn Kelly.
Kelly upbraided Harris on air, lambasting her
for implying that Santa Claus should be black,
Harris, an African-American, observed that not white.
growing up with the ubiquitous images of a
Kelly quickly offered a disclaimer to any
white Santa Claus was confusing to her, espealarmed racist white kids who might have
cially since most black families — like hers
been viewing her show: "And by the way, for
— had a black Santa.
all you kids watching at home, Santa just is
She could not escape the feeling that, some- white. But this person is maybe just arguing
how, the black Santa that she and her friends that we should also have a black Santa. But,
wanted to visit them on Christmas Eve just you know, Santa is what he is, and just so you
was not the real thing.
know, we're just debating this because someone wrote about it, kids."
While she never said that Santa Claus should
be black rather than white — she actually Kelly then directed her caustic ire at Harris:
suggested, tongue-in-cheek, that Santa should "Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable