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The sporadic appearance of a woman dressed as a nun, soliciting money for children in the Third World, continues to raise the tempers of St. Armands Circle merchants. Once again, her presence in the shopping district came u p d u r i n g a m e e t ing of the Business Improvement District (BID), this time on A p r i l 8 , u n d e r t h e agenda item "Update on the Nun." The woman, dressed in a summer habit, showed up in January asking for donations to help children in Haiti. She immediately caught the attention of Diana Corrigan, executive director of the St. Armands Circle Association. Corrigan told the BID board members then, "Next thing, she's got a card table and a cooler and handpainted signs, handing out paper and asking for money." Earthy reality meets high-end shopping, raising hackles and shekels. Image courtesy St. Armands Circle Association ST. ARMANDS CIRCLE PROPERTY OWNERS DECRY WOMAN'S SOLICITATIONS NUN STILL 'RUFFLING FEATHERS' We gave her a foot and she's taken a football field. Diana Corrigan Executive Director St. Armands Circle Association By Stan Zimmerman City Editor