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Siesta Seen was for a haunted house at Halloween. Because Halloween was not among the specified periods in the ordinance, the appli- cation was denied, she noted, "which is why we've asked to include Halloween" in the revised ordinance. Further, Thompson said, with no TUPs hav- ing been sought other than that one, staff was seeking the sunset date extension "to see if we are going to have a problem when some- one takes advantage of [a TUP]." "I'll be back to the board with any feedback I get," Patterson responded. In May 2012, Russell Matthes, co-owner of the Daiquiri Deck in Siesta Village and a past president of the SKVA, told me the reason he believed no TUPs had been pulled was the fact that they are not cost-effective. He pointed out that the TUP language allows for special events on specific holidays, add- ing that Siesta Village bars and restaurants normally plan special events at those times. The ideal use of a TUP, he added, would be during a slow time of the year, but the ordi- nance does not make that possible. FIESTA TIME The 36th Annual Siesta Fiesta will take place in Siesta Village along parts of Ocean Boulevard and Beach Road on Saturday, April 26, and Sunday, April 27. The hours, as usual, will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Parts of both Ocean and Beach Road will be closed to traffic to allow tents to be set up. The show brings a wide variety of artists and fine craftsmen to the Village. And do not forget about the T-shirts. The Siesta Key Village Association — with help from the Siesta Key Association — will have the 2014 version on sale, with proceeds going to the SKVA for a variety of projects to benefit businesses in the Village. % Siesta Fiesta is this weekend. Contributed image Sarasota News Leader April 25, 2014 Page 104