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Sarasota County's tourism bureau will have an additional $769,500 to spend this year on promoting local sports and arts programs and marketing the county in gen- eral — from ads at Atlanta International Airport to a campaign in Manhattan's Bryant Park. I n a 3 - 2 v o t e o n We d n e s d a y, A p r i l 2 3 , t h e C o u n t y Commission approved Visit Sarasota County's request for additional Tourist Development Tax (TDT) revenue to promote the community. The amount represents $318,600 in unspent funds the tourism bureau had and $451,000 in extra, unbudgeted TDT revenue from hotel room and vaca- tion rentals. With the additional money, the bureau's current fiscal year budget increased from $5,591,218 to $6,360,718. Former Congresswoman Katherine Harris speaks to the City and County commissions about the upcoming Modern Pentathlon events that will be held in the county. Photo by Norman Schimmel IN 3-2 VOTE, THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE ANOTHER $769,500 FOR TOURISM PROMOTION, BUT SOME SAY THEY WOULD PREFER SEEING THE MONEY SPENT ON INFRASTRUCTURE PROMOTION VERSUS PROJECTS Promotion has run behind when compared to similar communities. Nora Patterson Commissioner Sarasota County By Roger Drouin County Editor