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On Monday evening, April 21, the cost esti- mate to build a new sewer lift station in Luke Wood Park doubled. The man responsible for engineering and designing Lift Station 87 told the Sarasota City Commission the total proj- ect cost is now $27,112,600. That is more than twice the original, 2008 esti- mate of $12.5 million. A total of $13,432,200 h a s a l r e a d y b e e n spent, Robert Garland said. He is the project manager for McKim & Creed, the engineering and design firm hired to pick up the pieces after the former company, AECOM, walked off the job in failure. A sizable lawsuit is under way over that. Garland found the AECOM design contained m a j o r f l a w s . O n e n e c e s s i t a t e s d e e p - ening the borehole under Hudson Bayou by eight feet; a sec- ond flaw regards the pipeline south of the bayou. Those changes will add $3.5 million to the expense. Materials and some of the construction for Lift Station 87 remained highly visible this week in Luke Wood Park near downtown Sarasota. Photo by Norman Schimmel THE CITY COMMISSION LEARNS LIFT STATION 87 WILL COST ABOUT $27 MILLION, AND DESIGN CONCERNS ARE YET TO BE WORKED OUT A LIFT IN THE PRICE TAG I've started to look at best practices. Boca Raton is now raising all their lift stations. It may have been an unrealistic promise to put it underground. Susan Chapman Commissioner City of Sarasota By Stan Zimmerman City Editor