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When I was a college student working as a lowly intern at The News & Observer in Raleigh, NC, I used to gaze periodically at a big sign on the wall of the open-plan newsroom. It said, "Get it first, but get it right." A tangential maxim I have embraced all my career is "Make sure it is fair." As much as I love to score a big scoop, I not only want to make sure the information is accurate, I also want to make sure the way it is presented is as fair as possible. To that end, News Leader Copy Editor Vicki Chatley has been invaluable. She does not shy away from pointing it out if she feels we have stepped across the line. Sadly, if someone disagrees with the editorial stance we take on a position, the person tends to conflate that with our coverage of the issue. That can lead to the source "punishing" us by refusing to speak to us or failing to provide the most up-to-date information when we request it. Those circumstances are never pleasant. Our only response can be what it always has been — working to the best of our ability to avail you of all the facts we can assemble from both sides. Now that my rant is over, I encourage you to take note of the wide variety of news stories in this issue. Then you can relish the latest spectacular photos and essay contributor Fran Palmeri created for Earth Week and marvel at A&E Writer Elinor Rogosin's descriptions of a contemporary dance program. Editor and Publisher WELCOME