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Responding to weeks-old news that the Sarasota nonprofit created to manage the rowing facility at Nathan Benderson Park had temporarily lost its ability to solicit charita- ble donations, County Commissioner Carolyn Mason this week floated the idea of naming more than one county representative to the board of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, but the pro- posal went nowhere. In early April, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported that Suncoast Aquatic Nature Center Associates (SANCA) had failed to file the nec- essary paperwork with the state to allow the organization to collect tax-deductible dona- tions. According to a presentation SANCA President Paul Blackketter gave the County Commission in January, the nonprofit is plan- ning to raise $22 million in the next few years. Benderson Park is busy on Nov. 16, 2013 as teams compete in the first Sarasota-Bradenton Head Regatta. Photo by Norman Schimmel COUNTY COMMISSION DEBATES WHETHER RECENT ROWING FACILITY MISSTEPS SUGGEST MORE OVERSIGHT IS NEEDED NO 'MICROMANAGEMENT' By Cooper Levey-Baker Associate Editor