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As soon as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) delivers to the City of Sarasota the model and analysis regarding the proposal to renourish Lido Key Beach, the city will ask a local independent consultant to con- duct a peer review of the material, City Engineer Alexandrea DavisShaw told The Sarasota News Leader this week. The COE has requested that step, she said, so the agency will have a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o make any modifications the consultant rec- ommends before the COE begins holding public meetings on the data. City Manager Tom Barwin wants to make cer- tain the findings have been double-checked, DavisShaw continued. " T h e y ' r e p l a n n i n g to be done with the model and the report very soon" — within days — DavisShaw said on April 22, refer- ring to the Army Corps of Engineers. The Gulf of Mexico pools around a Lido Beach condominium complex. Photo courtesy City of Sarasota THE CITY OF SARASOTA WILL PROCEED WITH A PEER REVIEW AS SOON AS IT RECEIVES THE LIDO RENOURISHMENT PROJECT DATA FROM THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, WHICH SHOULD BE BY EARLY MAY THE WAIT NEARS AN END They're planning to be done with the model and the report very soon. Alexandrea DavisShaw City Engineer City of Sarasota By Rachel Brown Hackney Editor