County (formerly known as Sarasota County
Health Department) will have its Health in
Motion Mobile Medical Unit parked nearby,
so attendees can receive no-cost blood pres-
sure and blood sugar (diabetes) screenings,
HIV testing and health education, the release
continues. "In addition, attendees can get
help with finding a primary healthcare pro-
vider," the release points out.
Because of the significant interest in hair-
cuts last year, a team of barbers, hair stylists
and nail technicians from Manatee Technical
Institute will be on hand again.
Nonperishable food items, personal care
items and Veterans Administration surplus
items also will be provided. The Salvation
Army will offer food and refreshments, the
release notes.
"We are dedicated to helping veterans within
our community," said Phil Gorelick, vice
president of Programs at Jewish Family &
Children's Service (JFCS), in the release.
Among the JFCS offerings is the Operation
Military Assistance Program, a federally
funded service to assist veterans with obtain-
ing or maintaining permanent housing. "The
Stand Down allows us to connect with home-
less veterans, providing access to resources
they may not be aware exist, which sup-
ports the process of helping them to become
self-sustaining," Gorelick added in the release.
For more information, visit
or call 366-2224, Ext. 146.
Sarasota County, the University of Florida/
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
(UF/IFAS) Extension program, Sarasota Bay
Estuary Program (SBEP) and Florida Power
& Light (FPL) will celebrate Arbor Day with
two free educational events at the Sarasota
County Extension Office, located at Twin
Lakes Park at 6700 Clark Road in Sarasota,
SBEP has announced.
Tree School will be held from 8 a.m. to noon
on Friday, April 25, a news release points out.
"The event will focus on best practices and
proper tree care for landscape professionals,"
the release says.
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) as well
as International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)
and Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape
Association (FNGLA) credits will be available
to participants.
Value of Trees and Pruning for Tree Health
will be held from 1 to 4 pm, on Saturday, April
26, the release continues. "The event will fea-
ture pruning demonstrations and a discussion
on how to place the right tree in the right loca-
tion," it adds. Information about coastal trees
and special considerations when managing
them will be included. A panel of experts will
be on hand to answer questions," it notes, and
participants will receive free pindo palm seed-
lings, while supplies last, courtesy of FPL.
A commemorative tree planting at the
Sarasota County Extension Gardens at Twin
Lakes Park will be held following the class on
April 26.
Advanced registration is recommended for
both classes, the release notes. That can be
done online at or by call-
ing 861-5000.
Sarasota News Leader April 25, 2014 Page 66