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The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office has arrested four men from south Florida for allegedly trying to break into a home on Western Pine Circle on the morning of April 23 while children were alone inside, the office has announced. "The mother left the house to take one child to school but received a text from one of the children at home that said someone was try- ing to break in," a news release says. "She told the kids to run out the back" and head to a neighbor's residence, it adds. As they did, "the oldest child snapped a picture of the suspects' vehicle in the driveway," the release continues. A witness who called 911 saw two men run to the car, which sped off northbound, the release adds. A description of the vehicle and the tag number were radioed to deputies, who located and stopped the car on Interstate 75 at Laurel Road, the release notes. The occupants of the vehicle were identified as 22-year-old Trevon Jackson, 19-year old Darian Jones, 24-year-old Marcus Felder and 20-year-old Gary Saulby Jr., the release says. Each suspect told detectives a different story regarding the reason they were in the area, it points out. All four men are charged with one count each of Attempted Residential Burglary. Jackson is also charged with Violation of Probation. SOUTH FLORIDA GROUP ARRESTED IN ATTEMPTED BURGLARY CASE Jakeilah R. Weeks/Contributed photo later identified as Weeks, had just broken into her home and was attempting to flee the scene in a vehicle. When an officer ran up to the car and banged on the window to get Weeks' attention, she ignored him and fled north on Maple Avenue, the report continues. Officers ran to keep visual contact of Weeks on Maple Avenue and witnessed her crash her vehicle into the back wall of a home at 1728 32nd St., the release says. The vehicle smashed through an exterior wall of the home and into a bedroom where the homeowner, Eleanor Ball, 62, of Sarasota, was sleeping, the release points out. Ball died at the scene, the release adds. Weeks first was taken to the hospital for treat- ment of injuries sustained in the crash and later was booked into the Sarasota County Jail on Saturday, the report notes. Sarasota News Leader April 25, 2014 Page 74