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To the Editor: In response to the April 18 article Plea for the Pass, I am concerned that emotion is at the heart of misinformation being disseminated about the proposed long-term plan to provide restoration and stabilization for Lido Beach. Text in the music video states that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the City of Sarasota "plan to dredge sand from Big Pass, risking Siesta Key beaches, businesses and homes." To be clear: No decision has been made at this time. The fact-finding phase is still ongoing. The Army Corps of Engineers is reviewing previous research and is finaliz- ing its own computer modeling to determine potential impacts, if any, on Siesta Key. A peer review also will be conducted. It is vitally important to withhold judgment until the process is completed and the final reports are issued. The City of Sarasota has a responsibility to provide accurate, factual information to the community. If the data in the final analysis shows that the proposed Lido Beach project would put Siesta Key beaches, homes or busi- nesses at risk, neither the City of Sarasota staff nor the Army Corps of Engineers staff would support moving forward with it. We ask for your patience as we await the facts in the final reports, which we anticipate will be completed by mid-June. Alex DavisShaw City Engineer City of Sarasota LETTERS TO THE EDITOR PATIENCE REQUESTED LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Sarasota News Leader wel- comes letters to the editor from its readers. Letters should be no more than 300 words in length, and include the name, street address and telephone num- ber of the writer. Letters should be emailed to, with "Letter to the Editor" in the subject line. Let- ters actually printed will be selected based on space available, subject matter and other fac- tors. We reserve the right to edit any letters submitted for length, grammar, spelling, etc. All letters submitted become the property of The Sarasota News Leader. OPINION Sarasota News Leader April 25, 2014 Page 81