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COUNTY STAFF SUMMARIZES THE PROCESS FOR IMPLEMENTING NEW OUTDOOR DISPLAY REGULATIONS; ANOTHER BARGE IN BIG PASS PROMPTS A LOT OF BUZZ; AND THE TEMPORARY USE PERMIT ORDINANCE WILL UNDERGO ANOTHER PUBLIC HEARING SO ITS SUNSET DATE CAN BE EXTENDED By Rachel Brown Hackney Editor Siesta Seen SIESTA SEEN Sarasota County staff estimates it will take four months from the time the proposed zoning revision regarding outdoor displays on Siesta Key begins the formal process of wending through Planning Commission and County Commission review before a "verdict" will be delivered on it, according to an April 17 memo from staff to the County Commission. T h e i n f o r m a t i o n w a s r e q u e s t e d b y Commissioner Nora Patterson during the board's April 8 meeting. A Sun Ride Pedicab driver prepares to let off a group in front of Robin Hood Rentals in early April. With parking spaces at a premium, pedicabs have been busy on the island this season. Photo by Rachel Hackney