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Sarasota News Leader October 19, 2012 Page 86 Posting photos is strongly advised, as well. Options such as a car exchange are available but not required. Each member gets his own secret password, which helps to alleviate ex- changers' fears of "leakage." Communicating via email is so easy and con- venient that before you know it, an agreement can be reached and you are on your way to your first home exchange. It is not unusual to get many requests. That also allows for more leeway and more fun in picking your favorite out of the destinations offered. One of the Cuthberts' favorite home exchang- es took them to Melbourne, Australia. Con- tributed photos do with my stuff?" Everything about a home exchange hinges upon mutual trust, but you are always free to secure your valuables for your own peace of mind. Now, with that worry out of the way, let me say that an excellent way to begin a journey into the home-exchange world is to browse information available from one of the long- time professional exchange organizations. I recommend You can become a member by paying approximately $100 for a year, which entitles you to list your home along with preferred destinations, desired length of trip and a detailed description of your neighborhood and size of your house, among other information. A home exchange is the best way to become very familiar with an area that interests you. Since you typically will be living in another person's house for a month or more, you can acquaint yourself with the local shops, be- come comfortable with your neighborhood and even make friends with your neighbors. What would a trip to Australia be without seeing a kangaroo?

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