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Sarasota News Leader October 5, 2012 to amend the comprehensive plan in regard to TDR revenue, Meese replied, "That question didn't specifically come up, regarding the ad- equacy of the funding" for land maintenance. "They made a recommendation for a 90/10 split without knowing whether we're ade- quately funding maintenance now?" Robinson clarified her question. One Planning Commission member asked whether she had "specific land management Page 28 costs for the precise scope of this amendment, and I didn't at the time," Meese said. On July 11, the county commissioners had split 3-2 over how much of the TDR proceeds should go toward land management. Thaxton and Commissioner Joe Barbetta were in the minority on a motion that left open what per- centage of TDR sales revenue would be used for that purpose. Sarasota County Commissioner Nora Patterson listens to discussion during the Oct. 23 meeting. Photo by Norman Schimmel