the middle of a much broader overhaul — fis-
cal neutrality is the principle that new growth
pay its own way. Under 2050, developers are
required to prove that new projects gener-
ate enough revenue through impact fees and
taxes that taxpayers elsewhere are not subsi-
dizing any increased burden on infrastructure.
Fiscal impact analysis is a useful tool employed
by many governments, Arduin told the board
Wednesday, but she told The Sarasota News
Leader after the meeting that "only a couple
counties" factor in that analysis when decid-
ing whether to approve a new development.
There isn't a clear model the county can just
import, she said.
Consultant Donna Arduin sits in the audience, awaiting her turn at the podium on Feb. 19. Photo by
Rachel Hackney
Sarasota News Leader February 21, 2014 Page 17