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When an Interstate 75 crash sent chunks of concrete tumbling onto University Parkway in January, state Rep. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, was in his office, located south of University Parkway and east of the interstate. H e j u s t h a p p e n e d to be meeting with Florida Department o f Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n ( F D O T ) D i s t r i c t One Secretary Billy H a t t a w a y , w h o o v e r s e e s a l l s t a t e road projects in the 12-county Southwest Florida region. When Hattaway left the meeting, he had to wait in the traffic, witnessing firsthand the backup with which commut- ers and residents were contending as a result of the blocked section of University Parkway. It was ironic the acci- d e n t h a p p e n e d a s Steube was talking w i t h H a t t a w a y a b o u t p l a n s f o r Work continues apace on the Mall at University Town Center off University Parkway. Photo by Norman Schimmel A DIVERGING DIAMOND COULD BECOME THE CRITICAL PIECE IN SOLVING A TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PUZZLE IN THE GROWING AREA OF UNIVERSITY PARKWAY AND INTERSTATE 75 A PRIORITY We need to get these plans approved and get moving as soon as possible. I don't think anyone will disagree with the fact that there is a need to do construction at that interchange. Greg Steube Member Florida House of Representatives By Roger Drouin County Editor