Asked whether she had photos of the possi-
ble designs, Carter said she did not. However,
she explained that one of them has more of a
trolley look, while the other "is more island-
style." They will not be ready until the end of
April, she added.
In response to a question from SKVA Vice
President Kay Kouvatsos, Carter said SCAT
plans a "big marketing campaign" about all its
bus routes, beginning in about two months.
SCAT also is working on a new rider guide
that will be much more user-friendly, she
noted, and it is developing a smartphone app
with QR codes that people will be able to use
to check schedules. The app should be ready
in about two months as well, she said, adding
that that initiative has been a bit of a secret.
In response to a question from SKVA Secretary
Helene Hyland, Carter said the cost for the
Siesta trolley will be the same as the fee for
any bus ride: $1.25.
When Hyland then asked if passes would be
available, Sarasota County Commissioner
Nora Patterson — a guest at the meeting
A Sarasota County Area Transit map shows the new Route 10, the Siesta trolley route. Image courtesy
Sarasota County`
Sarasota News Leader April 4, 2014 Page 48