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Sarasota News Leader October 12, 2012 OPINION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the editor: I'm still amazed at the dynamic performance of Mitt Romney during the presidential de- bate last week. He's the most energetic and best rapid-pattern salesman that I have ever encountered. I should know since I've been conned by the best of them. However, here we have Romney, in contrast to everything he has been saying over the past year, offering us all the good things that Obama is offering and also his charming and newly moderate self. This could look like a pretty good deal. Yet we have to wonder, which Romney would we get — this new one or the many different ones we have come to know? This is a big gamble. We could be stuck with the guy who wants to reduce taxes for the rich and put the bur- den for spending savings most heavily on the middle class; the guy who, when no one is lis- tening in, really does think that 47% of the American people are a bunch of free-loaders; and who believes that Wall Street bankers and all the other high rollers don't need all those pesky regulations that keep them honest. And whichever guy we get, the really scary thing is his penchant for putting down red lines to nations that don't buckle down to us soon enough — before diplomatic efforts have had sufficient time to take effect. We have had enough wars, lately. I guess Mitt isn't such a good deal after all. Bill Newnam Venice LETTERS TO THE EDITOR more than 300 words in length, and include the name, street address and telephone number of the writer. Letters should be emailed to, with "Letter to the Editor" in the subject line. Letters actually printed will be selected based on space available, subject matter and other factors. We reserve the right to edit any letters submitted for length, grammar, spelling, etc. All letters submitted become the property of The Sarasota News Leader. The Sarasota News Leader welcomes letters to the editor from its readers. Letters should be no Page 76

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