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Sarasota News Leader June 21, 2013 Page 78 Siesta Seen where around 40 or 50 spaces and not go west beyond the dune line," because the county would not allow a private developer to go beyond that point as a means of protecting the environment. Assistant County Administrator Lee Ann Lowery notified Patterson by email on May 21 that she had met with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission representatives about the snowy plover concerns. "I have a meeting scheduled with staff to review their Then Sarasota Audubon members and volun- suggestions for protecting this area for the teers made county staff aware that the area plover," Lowery added. "I am confident we can around Access 7 had become a popular nest- implement their recommendations." ing place for the endangered snowy plovers. I have to add extra special thanks at this point Patterson continued in her email, "[T]he agree- to Carolyn Brown for getting the latest information to me about parking at Access 7. She ment was that the parking would be gradually always has been among the best county emdeveloped and we would work with Audubon ployees for responding quickly to my calls for and as plover nesting developed there at the help. However, she went above and beyond access, the path to the beach would be closed the call of duty this week: She and her staff and foot traffic diverted to other accesses. I were in a flurry of activity, gathering informathink we are still doing that and I know that tion the County Commission asked her to obmany people have devoted a lot of hours to tain on June 18 as part of the ongoing Warm Mineral Springs saga. % trying to protect baby plovers." Foliage was planted along the fence at Beach Access 7 on Siesta Key to screen the parking area from neighboring residences. File photo from September 2012