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A planned presentation by the Tennessee con- sultants hired to evaluate Sarasota County's fiscal neutrality policy for new developments has been pushed back to mid-February, a move that allows the firm time to revise the second draft of its $90,000 report, the first draft of which was derided as an "ideological rant" and "beyond" what the county wanted, by county commis- sioners and critics alike. L a f f e r A s s o c i a t e s ' analysis of fiscal neu- trality, commissioned as part of the county's broad review of its 2050 land-use policies, has been hotly contested since the firm's first draft was submitted last November. Fiscal neutrality is the principle that a new devel- opment generate enough revenue through fees, taxes, etc., to cover any new burden on county resources — a requirement develop- ers say hampers their ability to obtain loans for new projects. Laffer's suggestion in its first draft was to eliminate fiscal neu- t r a l i t y c o m p l e t e l y, along with all zoning rules and the county's Much of Fruitville Road east of Interstate 75 is pastoral, with cows and horses common sights. File photo CONSULTANT'S PRESENTATION ON FISCAL NEUTRALITY PUSHED BACK AS FIRM FINALIZES DRAFT NO. 3 ON THE 2050 PLAN NEEDS WORK Those arguing that growth does not pay for itself typically have another dog in the fight. Second Draft Laffer Associates' Report on Fiscal Neutrality By Cooper Levey-Baker Associate Editor NEWS & COMMENTARY

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