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Sarasota News Leader September 28, 2012 final vote on the bid award]," Patterson said, "so we're not endorsing a $200,000 project that's been estimated at $31,000." Ryan Montague, who helped supervise light- ing company demonstrations this summer in Siesta Village, told The Sarasota News Leader on Sept. 27 that staff would start preparing the bid specs this week, though he was unable to estimate a time frame for the advertisement of the bid. First, Montague pointed out, a few preliminary design issues would have to be resolved. For example, staff will have to determine wheth- er they can use the electrical conduit for the streetlights to power the bollards as well, he said. "Once we find that out," he wrote in an email, "we'll have a much better idea of when the bid itself can be advertised. We already have the general information needed for the specs, but the timing all comes down to what, if any, im- provements will be needed for the infrastruc- ture to support the power requirements of the bollards." The need for crosswalk lighting in Siesta Vil- lage arose during the January meeting of the Siesta Key Village Association. Siesta Key As- sociation Vice President Peter van Roekens, who represents the SKA and Terrace East homeowners at SKVA meetings, brought up the potential for serious accidents involving pedestrians using the crosswalks at night. He pointed out that drivers — especially older ones — have difficulty seeing people crossing the street in darker areas of the Village. Patterson noted during the Sept. 26 meeting that county staff had worked with representa- tives of Siesta Key organizations in determin- Page 53 ing the best lighting specs for the crosswalks. "And that adds a really nice aspect to it," she said. Along with van Roekens, Mark Smith, chair- man of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, and Russell Matthes, the SKVA president, par- ticipated in the lighting demonstrations by two firms. After the vote, Patterson thanked the other commissioners. "I know I bring Siesta Key stuff to the board a lot," she said. "It's a high-maintenance district you've got," Thaxton teased her. "It is," Patterson agreed as some of her fellow board member chuckled. The crosswalks are proposed for the follow- ing locations: • 5250 Ocean Blvd., between the Daiquiri Deck and Gilligan's Island Bar and Grill • 5218 Ocean Blvd., between JoTo's Japanese Steakhouse and Hanna Plaza • 5202 Ocean Blvd., between Key Corners Plaza and the Village Gazebo • 5148 Ocean Blvd., between The Hub Baja Grill and the Beach Club • 5124 Ocean Blvd., between Siesta Plaza and Coldwell Banker • 5124 Ocean Blvd., between Siesta Plaza and Siesta Center • 5100 Ocean Blvd., between the Michael Saunders & Co. office and Siesta Center